Calories & Carbohydrate List

I am glad I started my blog in November as November is the “Diabetes Awareness” month.

As we watch the calorie intake in our foods we eat, it is also important to balance out the carbs and fats. Carbs alone can increase your weight disproportionately if not watched carefully.  For the rice and roti (wheat tortilla) eaters like me, it is so important to adjust and manage the carb intake and increase the vegetable intake. The below table shows some the carb details on some of the standard food we eat on a regular basis.  I pulled this list from various sources, but predominantly from a list my diabetes counsellor gave to me at the hospital. If you are looking for details on any specific food items, pls. post it and I will try and find out the details.

Carb List

2 thoughts on “Calories & Carbohydrate List

  1. Very nice initiative Chitti, and some useful information as well. I have a lot of relevant material on this as well by way of designing applications to help people manage Diabetes.

    I have a cousin who is in college and has Diabetes since the age of 6 or 7 and manages her health wonderfully by diet and exercise.

    Look fwd to more posts.

  2. Thanks Bharad. If you have any info you can share that is not properietary, pls share on this blog. Good luck to your cousin and glad to hear that she is managing it very well.

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